Tips On How To Place Your Script Into The Hands Of Hollywood
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Tips On How To Place Your Script Into The Hands Of Hollywood

Tips On How To Place Your Script Into The Hands Of Hollywood

Sell Screenplay – that is the ultimate goal on every screenwriters mind. To have the birth of an idea spring forth and unfold onto the blank page and to finally when all is said and done make its way into the hands of a Hollywood producer and director is nothing short of miraculous. Now comes the moment of truth. Is your screenplay truly ready to be made into a major motion picture?
There is an art form to script writing. As a screenwriter you have undoubtedly spent hours upon hours, weeks upon weeks, possibly even months upon months writing and rewriting your film script. To sit down and write a screenplay only to spend more time developing, reconstructing and molding each character and scene within your script. Making it the best it can possibly be. Finally after all your hard work the share this site last thing you want is to be shot down and have your screenplay rejected.
Having a professional script analysis doctor read your film script is always recommended prior to submitting your film script for possible consideration. Think of the script analysis as a fine tuning. As a screenwriter you want to present your best work. A polished script will guarantee just that. Having a professional read over your screenplay will help to iron out any inconsistencies you might not have seen. Another pair of eyes is always a good idea. It is a way to have another persons perception of your story and to know if the audience will truly see your vision as you the screenwriter see it.
As a writer the first words that keep echoing in the back of your mind are always “to sell screenplay.” Possibly you even go to sleep at night chanting them. But selling a screenplay to Hollywood can be a pretty tough gig. Hollywood is all about who you know. And if you do not have the proper and useful connections it can be extremely tough. But before you scream help and throw your arms up in the air take a deep breathe and think of all your options. Yes it is true you as a screenwriter do have options.
Luckily for you there are several ways in which you can get your script into the door of Hollywood and into the hands of those Hollywood producers and directors. As well as finding a literary agent to represent you. All you have to do is get out there and start making connections. And one great way to do just that is by contacting a Hollywood Marketing Service. They can be your guide into the Hollywood elite. With their expertise and know how the path to selling your screenplay can be a pleasant journey.
Another wonderful idea is to join a writers group. Attend meetings on a regular basis and begin to network with other writers. A lot of times writing groups will have guest speakers who are literary agents, producers and directors. As well as other screenwriters who can give you their advice on how the business side works. Perhaps one of them will be interested in your story. Networking is a great way to connect with Hollywood.
As a screenwriter you know that to write a screenplay takes discipline and perseverance. But to sell a screenplay to Hollywood takes a lot of determination and a great deal of patience. Learning how to market your film script to the proper audience is crucial. But it can be done. I am a firm believer of positive thinking. I believe hard work does pay off. Each day as you chant your mantra over and over in your head “to sell screenplay”, “to sell screenplay”, “to sell screenplay” believe that Hollywood will hear you and you will indeed sell your screenplay.

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